Monday, April 8, 2013

What I am leaving behind - Black and White Wednesdays

This is the last week for us in Lagos. Just saw the last of my packages loaded on to the movers' truck for stuffing and shipping last weekend. It is a back breaking task I do once every few years, that now my friends think I am a pro at it.
The home that was, is back to a shell of a house, but my small pots are blooming with their plants. Some sprouts are also showing promises of lush, only I will leave them with hopes of someone would care.
There will be a new home to set up and newer plants will bloom in the garden, yet it is not easy letting go and allow them to die.

Aparna is hosting this 78th week's Black and White Wednesdays, a culinary and food related photo event.
The event is the brainchild of Susan of The Well seasoned Cook and is currently being put together by Cinzia of Cindystar
My entry to the week is titled "The street vendor". There is this man who brings on his push cart his wares ranging from plastic trash bins to aluminium cooking utensils and some small stainless steel stuff in my home town.


  1. oh lovely, curry leaves are looking very fresh!!!! i know it is real hard. When we left our house @ Walajah, my mom literally hugged the coconut tree n cried!!! Sadly the new owners didn't care much, the whole backyard with all the flowering plants just dried up!!!!:( Wishing the new owners @ ur place do care for these beauties!!! :)

  2. Missing this mcuh fresh herbs here, that so sad akka.

  3. There are plus and minus points while leaving the old place and exploring the new world. I always love doing that I mean I love to move to new places often for which there is no chance. But I know the pain behind leaving the old ones. All the best for your next new place and hope the new owners will have the same feelings as yours for these plants which are full of life.

  4. Nice entry, loved the last photo

  5. Oh... :( that is sad... leaving behind the plants is hard. I am very attached to my karuvepillai plant.
    Hope your move is going on fine akka.

    1. Yes Laav, All the stuf have been packed and moved to the movers' garage for stuffing.Living out of suitcases, frozen and reheating food.

  6. Lovely entry Lata. Loved the Curry leaves; looking forward to new roots, and new ideas. Best wishes always.

  7. When I moved I had to give my plants to my good friends. Now they are moving and I had to suggest that they give it to our common friends. Well, good luck on your move.


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Thanks once again,
Lata Raja.